Wednesday, April 29
If you have an immediate need, call (607) 288-3252
As always, community members looking for more information on local health resources and resources related to COVID-19 can contact 2-1-1 by calling 1-877-211-8667 or visiting
Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Page
Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Immediate Needs Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Systems Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins: Parent Support Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Form
Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Resource Folder
We are neighbors concerned about our communities and helping to make sure those most vulnerable and affected by COVID-19 get the support they need. We are volunteer run, with no paid staff, and our aid comes directly from the community. We have created a PayPal & Venmo account and the money donated is going directly to people who have made requests through our immediate needs page. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through our fundraiser that is in partnership with Tompkins County Worker's Center, You can also make donations through PayPal here and our Venmo here. Thank you!
Latest Data from Tompkins County Health Department
Total Tested 3,391
Pending Results 189
Positive Test Results 132
Recovered 99
Currently Hospitalized 5
Tompkins County Health Department Info and Resources
Charted data for Tompkins, Cortland, Broome, and Onondaga County HERE
A Brief Summary of the Three Types of COVID-19 Testing HERE
Activities & Events
May Day Car/Bike Rally: Social Justice During Social Distancing
Facebook event HERE
Break out of isolation! Rally responsibly this May Day (May 1)! Defend the rights of workers, the unemployed and poor communities! Get on your bike or in your car and bang your pots for a People's Response to the Pandemic!
May 1 (May Day, or International Workers’ Day) @ 5 pm
Ithaca Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), along with working people, progressive local organizations and community members. (Please show up wearing gloves and masks.)
We will not sacrifice ourselves for the comfort of the bosses!
The COVID-19 crisis has revealed an economy and government that benefit the 1%, leaving the majority facing job loss, inadequate healthcare, and social spending cuts.
Rather than step in to ensure our livelihoods and safety, the government is bailing out corporations with trillions of dollars while throwing crumbs at working and poor families.
TODAY we face…
*an economy that puts profits over people…
*a pandemic that ravages our neglected communities and defunded hospitals…
*a totally inadequate government response.
We will gather this Friday, May 1 @ 4:30 pm at the KOHL's Parking Lot off Route 13/Elmira Rd.
*Bring pots and pans to bang on and red flags to wave!
Just after 5pm, we will travel by car or bike up Route 13, continue on Meadow St, cut through Hancock toward Cayuga, and head back down to the Commons.
*Please travel no faster than 5 miles an hour.
*Honk and display signs (on cars or bikes) that read “Cancel the Rent!” “Housing is a Human Right!” “Medicare for All NOW!” “Protect Workers and Our Families!” “Humanity Over Profit!” “Honk for Justice!” “Detention in a Pandemic is Cruel and Unfair!”, Etc.
We will end with a pot-banging rally in the downtown area (keeping our masks on and our distance from one another).
We need more than stingy, short-term relief policies. We need meaningful aid and a permanent shift to a sustainable and humane economy.
We demand that local, state and federal officials:
*Enact an Unconditional Rent Freeze
(forgive all rent until August or for the duration of the crisis—an eviction moratorium is not enough!)
*Provide Permanent Medicare for ALL
*Guarantee Protection and Paid Sick and Family Leave for ALL Essential Workers
*Provide a Guaranteed, Dignified Income for ALL
(until together we rebuild an economy that works for everyone and for the planet)
*Release ALL those Trapped Behind Bars
(we will not let jails, prisons and ICE detention centers become COVID-19 hotbeds)
Our economy should work to meet our individual and community needs, not multiply the wealth of greedy corporations. Our government should protect us and guarantee the services we deserve, not abandon us while billionaires rake in profits.
Why are we protesting on May 1? May 1 is May Day, or International Workers’ Day, a traditional celebration of working people and our struggle for rights and empowerment.
A car/bike protest is both safe and historical: for generations working people have used caravans of vehicles to dramatize their causes. Car protests have recently occurred in several U.S. cities. A socially-distanced group of bicyclists will add to our visibility!
For more information:
Russell Rickford, 607-339-6972
Stephanie Heslop, 607-793-0504