Saturday, May 30 - Monday, June 1

If you have an immediate need, call (607) 288-3252

As always, community members looking for more information on local health resources and resources related to COVID-19 can contact 2-1-1 by calling 1-877-211-8667 or visiting

Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Page

Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Immediate Needs Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Systems Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Sharing Cabinets Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins: Parent Support Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Form

Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Resource Folder


We are neighbors concerned about our communities and helping to make sure those most vulnerable and affected by COVID-19 get the support they need. We are volunteer run, with no paid staff, and our aid comes directly from the community. We have created a PayPal & Venmo account and the money donated is going directly to people who have made requests through our immediate needs page. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through our fundraiser that is in partnership with Tompkins County Worker's Center, You can also make donations through PayPal here and our Venmo here. Thank you!


Latest Data from Tompkins County Health Department

Total Tested: 9,773

Pending Results: 474

Positive Test Results: 160

Recovered: 137

Currently Hospitalized: 0

Tompkins County Health Department Info and Resources

Charted data for Tompkins, Cortland, Broome, and Onondaga County HERE

A Brief Summary of the Three Types of COVID-19 Testing HERE

Cayuga Health Sampling Site

Hours: M-F, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM; Saturday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
To pre-register, call Cayuga Health Call Center at 607-319-5708, or
Need a ride to the Sampling Site? After you register, call 2-1-1 to schedule a safe, free ride with ASAP Cab Company. 2-1-1 is open from 8:30 am–5 pm to schedule rides to and from the Sampling Site.

Get help if you need, Give help if you can 

Cortland Mutual Aid could really use our help! 

Cortland Mutual Aid could really use our help! They are just ramping up and don't have donors yet. This ask is for money (anything will help) and stuff for the new pantries. When I was out in Cortland the week before last at the food distribution launch, I met a lot of hungry people. I'm hoping we can all pitch in a little to help our neighbors.” — Sujata Sidhu  in Mutual Aid Group Page, PayPal Link to donate : CLICK HERE


Stimulus checks issued in the form of prepaid debit cards: People are accidentally throwing out their stimulus payments — because they look like junk mail.

Tompkins Mask Makers Distribution Cabinet is up and running. It is located on the 400 block of 2nd Street in Downtown ITHACA.

Uses of this cabinet are:

-You can find donated masks inside for your personal use.

-Caretakers of the Little Blue Pantries and other volunteers can come get masks here to put in the pantries (come and get what you need anytime but feel free to pm me to check what’s available at any given time)

-Mask Makers can leave masks here for specific people/organizations to pick up

-If you make a specific request for donated masks for you and your family through our website portal, this is where you will pick up your order.

(This is in no way meant to compete or interfere with other mask distribution systems in Ithaca, just trying to centralize the many efforts of Tompkins Mask Makers and make it easier to get masks out of the hands of makers and into the wider community.)

Please note: General donations of masks (always needed!) and cotton fabric, thread, and elastic to TMM can be left on the porch at 407 2nd Street for processing.

Northstar is Hiring! Northstar is looking for experienced full-time line cooks. Email Link to the hiring page: CLICK HERE

Activities and Events

Food for the People by Cortland County Mutual Aid: June 3 at 4-6pm at 181 S. Main St. in Cortland. Groceries, plants and personal care products distribution. To arrange delivery email We are looking for one or two volunteers with a truck or van who can run to Ithaca on Tuesday around 3 pm to pick up the food! Please let me know if you are able to help! We are also looking for cash donations to support this work!

Best Practices in Organic Gardening & Community Gardening: Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Gardening in a Community Garden can be a wonderful joy but pests and diseases can spread more rapidly in close quarters. Learn the best practices for growing veggies organically in your home garden or in a Community Garden for minimizing pests and disease and maximizing your soil health and harvest. Link to the event page: CLICK HERE

How to be an Anti-racist Book Read: Friday, June 5 at 12 pm - Event Description: “Racism exists in our society and takes the lives of BIPOC everyday. It is not enough for us to say we are not racist. In order to dismantle white supremacy we have to actively work on being antiracist. How do we do that? What does that look like in our community? What will you do in your everyday life to be antiracist? How will you teach your children to be antiracist? These are all important questions to consider and ones I hope we can process together. The date set for this event is arbitrary as I would like to work out a time that works best for everyone who wants to be included in the dialogue. Let’s find a good time to talk about the book together. If you need a copy of the book, please let me know. I will make sure one gets to you.” Link to the event page: CLICK HERE

This stops now: A memorial for George Floyd: Sunday June 7, 14 and 21 - Gather on the Commons for a weekly memorial for George Floyd, starting tomorrow Sunday the 31st of May and continuing every week at the same time and place until there is justice. We are not going to stand by and allow police to murder innocent people as we watch. End the war on drugs, no knock warrants, racial profiling and protecting dangerous cops. Everyone everywhere will be held accountable, including DAs who don't prosecute criminal behavior by police officers. Driven by Floyd's voice we will fight this injustice to the end. Please wear a mask and socially distance, bring signs, instruments, umbrellas and flags. Come prepared for the weather and bring water and snacks. 


Ithaca Free Food Resources HERE.

Neighborhood Open Food Pantries: Please take and/or donate food and supplies. Find one near you.

Food Pantry Calendar: Foodbank of the Southern Tier

The Plantation Bar & Grill offers free meals on Mondays


Insight to the post office process for obtaining passports during the current events?

How to Safely and Ethically Film Police Misconduct


Donate your bottles and cans to support local organizations and charities: See a discussion with places to donate here.

Quarantine Space : Mutual Aid Tompkins is trying to coordinate with home/apartment owners to create quarantine space for people coming (back) to Ithaca or traveling to Ithaca from other places. If you need any assistance with self-quarantine place, please contact or our point person, Becky Sibner

Spring 2020 LGBTQ Resources: find support virtually, through hotlines and live chat, and more. 


June 1

Western New York Expected to Enter Phase 2 of Reopening Tomorrow and Capital Region Expected to Enter Phase 2 of Reopening on June 3

Governor Cuomo Proposes National Ban on Chokeholds by Law Enforcement Amid Ongoing Protests Responding to Killing of George Floyd

May 31

Dentists Can Reopen Statewide Tomorrow and Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

Governor Cuomo Calls for Standardized Police Misconduct Policies Across America

May 30

Governor Cuomo Responds to Nationwide Protests Following Death of George Floyd: 'We Have an Injustice in the Criminal Justice System That Is Abhorrent' — but Violence 'Obscures the Righteousness of the Message and the Mission'

Governor Cuomo Signs Into Law New Measure Providing Death Benefits for Families of Frontline Government Workers Who Lost Their Lives Due to COVID-19


Tuesday, June 2 - Friday, June 5


Friday, May 29