Saturday, June 20 - Monday, June 22

If you have an immediate need, call (607) 288-3252

As always, community members looking for more information on local health resources and resources related to COVID-19 can contact 2-1-1 by calling 1-877-211-8667 or visiting

Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Page

Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Immediate Needs Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Systems Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Sharing Cabinets Facebook Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins: Parent Support Group

Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Form

Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Resource Folder


We are neighbors concerned about our communities and helping to make sure those most vulnerable and affected by COVID-19 get the support they need. We are volunteer run, with no paid staff, and our aid comes directly from the community. We have created a PayPal & Venmo account and the money donated is going directly to people who have made requests through our immediate needs page. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through our fundraiser that is in partnership with Tompkins County Worker's Center, You can also make donations through PayPal here and our Venmo here. Thank you!


Latest Data from Tompkins County Health Department

Total Tested: 14,658

Pending Results: 175

Positive Test Results: 166

Recovered: 164

Currently Hospitalized: 0

Tompkins County Health Department Info and Resources

Charted data for Tompkins, Cortland, Broome, and Onondaga County HERE

A Brief Summary of the Three Types of COVID-19 Testing HERE

Cayuga Health Sampling Site

Hours: M-F, 8:30AM - 4:00PM; Saturday, 8:30AM - 12:30PM
To pre-register, call Cayuga Health Call Center at 607-319-5708, or
Need a ride to the Sampling Site? After you register, call 2-1-1 to schedule a safe, free ride with ASAP Cab Company. 2-1-1 is open from 8:30am–5pm to schedule rides to and from the Sampling Site.


Mutual Aid Tompkins excited to share June Solidarity Fund organizations

Cornell University releases reactivation recommendations from the Teaching Reactivation Options Committee and the Preparation for Online Teaching Committee

Cuomo releases Reopening NY Guidelines for Higher Education

County creates youth summer planning task force, releases interactive camp guide

Results from the Mutual Aid Tompkins community check-in survey, “Is there anything you wish our local government was doing differently to respond to the pandemic?”

Racial justice rally Sunday unveils GoFundMe for 'Unbroken Promise Initiative'

Activities and Events

Veggie Gardening 201--Succession, Companion, and Interplanting - Wednesday, June 24 at 6:30pm

How to be an Anti-racist Book Read

Event Description: “Racism exists in our society and takes the lives of BIPOC everyday. It is not enough for us to say we are not racist. In order to dismantle white supremacy we have to actively work on being antiracist. How do we do that? What does that look like in our community? What will you do in your everyday life to be antiracist? How will you teach your children to be antiracist? These are all important questions to consider and ones I hope we can process together. We will be hosting multiple sessions and have breakout rooms for smaller group discussions.”

Date and Time: Wednesday, July 1 at 8 pm

About the book: Link to book club kit

Link to the event page: CLICK HERE


COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program Have you experienced a loss of income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and are unable to pay rent? Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Service (INHS) established the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program. The program is designed to provide rent relief for up to three months to eligible households who have experienced a loss of income related to COVID-19. This assistance will be available to renters who meet income limits in Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties. Funds will be distributed on an eligible, first served basis.

Health and Safety for Protests and Direct Action: trained street medics provide info and training for staying safe at protests and actions!

How to Safely and Ethically Film Police Misconduct


Donate your bottles and cans to support local organizations and charities: See a discussion with places to donate here.

Quarantine Space : If you need any assistance with self-quarantine place, please contact or our point person, Becky Sibner

Spring 2020 LGBTQ Resources: find support virtually, through hotlines and live chat, and more. 

Sign Up for Coronavirus Updates from New York State

Food & Shopping

Ithaca Free Food Resources HERE.

Neighborhood Open Food Pantries: Please take and/or donate food and supplies. Find one near you.

Food Pantry Calendar: Foodbank of the Southern Tier

The Plantation Bar & Grill offers free meals on Mondays

Tompkins Food Task Force Consumer Food Resources and Food Supply Chain Resources

Ithaca supporting local black owned businesses


June 22

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State’s Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic

June 20

Governor Cuomo Announces Yankees and Mets Will Hold Spring Training in New York This Year


Saturday, July 3 - Monday July 6


Tuesday, June 9 - Friday, June 12