Saturday, April 18
From Mutual Aid Tompkins
If you have an immediate need, call (607) 288-3252
As always, community members looking for more information on local health resources and resources related to COVID-19 can contact 2-1-1 by calling 1-877-211-8667 or visiting
Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Page
Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Immediate Needs Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Systems Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Form
Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Resource Folder
Find Help & Give Help
Donations: We are neighbors concerned about our communities and helping to make sure those most vulnerable and affected by COVID-19 get the support they need. We are volunteer run, with no paid staff, and our aid comes directly from the community. We have created a PayPal & Venmo account and the money donated is going directly to people who have made requests through our immediate needs page. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through our fundraiser that is in partnership with Tompkins County Worker's Center, You can also make donations through PayPal here and our Venmo here. Thank you!
Need Help Finding Help? Contact 2-1-1 Tompkins Cortland : Callers are referred to service providers according to their needs. 2-1-1 may follow up with callers, when appropriate, to ensure that contact was made and to offer further assistance if needed. Some common questions include locations to find food, legal issues with housing, how to access healthcare, and finding employment. 2-1-1 is active 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. To access 2-1-1 by text, message your zip code to TXT211 or 898211. Texting service is available Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 4:00 pm). You can also access 2-1-1 services by email ( or by visiting their website.
Community Volunteer & Request Aid Form : Fill out this form if you would like to request aid (petty cash assistance, groceries, supplies, medicine, delivery), AND/OR if you would like to volunteer to give aid. THIS IS A NEW VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP FORM - please fill this out even if you had previously signed up to volunteer.
Older Adult Support Form : Read info here and fill out this form if you would like to provide assistance to older adults in Tompkins County.
Tompkins County Health Department
COVID-19 Cases in Tompkins County as of 4/17 at 7:15 pm -
Total Tested: 2,808
Pending Results: 207
Positive Test Results: 121
Recovered: 94
Currently Hospitalized: 7
Total Deaths: 2 (both not from Tompkins County but transfers from downstate hospitals)
Helpful charts and data from Tompkins, Cortland, and Broome counties here.
TCAT now requiring riders to wear a mask in accordance with the Governor’s requirement that everyone wear a mask when in public when they ensure at least 6’ of distancing. “We are asking TCAT riders to please follow Gov. Cuomo’s orders to help protect their fellow riders and bus operators as we all continue to grapple with this pandemic,” said General Manager Scot Vanderpool. “The face-covering order has enough flexibility to allow people to use materials they already own without having to spend money.”
WENY and NY Local Ithaca are airing a Virtual Town Hall through this weekend, bringing local leaders together to talk about the community's response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The town hall features Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa, Chair of Tompkins County Legislature Lesyln McBean Clairborne, City of Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick and Ithaca City School District Superintendent Dr. Luvelle Brown. Source: Ithaca Voice.
The broadcast airs 4/17, 4/18 and 4/19 at 6:30 p.m here.
Residents asked to place recycling in bins to protect Tompkins County workers. Tompkins County Recycling and Materials Management (TCRMM) would like to ask residents to put cardboard in their recycling bin rather than stacking it to the side.
This will allow recycling collectors to touch fewer surfaces while picking up recycling bins and dumping their contents into the recycling truck. Source: Ithaca Voice
Sciencenter offers special virtual programming for Earth Week: Each morning from Monday, April 20 through Friday, April 24, at 10:30 a.m., Sciencenter educators will host live Zoom activities all focused on sustainability and Earth science content. The link to those zoom programs can be found on the Sciencenter website.
Mask Making
In an effort to distribute cloth masks to every essential worker in the county, the Tompkins County Health Department is asking for volunteers to make masks.
The health department is seeking volunteers who:
Have sewing experience, although some people without sewing experience can help by cutting materials and supporting the sewers
Can provide a sewing machine for use at the production facility (not required)
Have not been in close contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
If you are able to volunteer in this mask-making effort, you are asked to email
The health department says essential businesses can request masks for their employees through the Tompkins County Emergency Operations Center.
Cayuga Health System Guide
How to Make a Face Mask
What you will need
Cotton fabric-double layer, 400 count cotton or 140 count muslin
Rope elastic, beading cord elastic,
or 34” fabric ties will work (you may also use⅛” flat elastic)
OPTIONAL: Medium-weight pellon interfacing
Put right sides of cotton fabric together; fabric design should be horizontal.
Cut 8”x8” or 9”x6”2.
Starting at the center of the bottom edge, sew to the first corner, stop. Sew the elastic/fabric tie with the edge out into the corner. A few stitches forward and back will hold this.
Sew to the next corner, stop, and bring the other end of the same elastic/fabric tie to the corner and sew a few stitches forward and back.
Now sew across that top of the mask to the next corner.. Again put an elastic/fabric tie with the edge out.
Sew to the next corner and sew in the other end of the same elastic/fabric tie.6. Sew across the bottom leaving about 1.5” to 2” open. Stop, cut the thread.T urn inside out.
Pin 3 tucks on each side of the mask. Make sure the tucks are the same direction.
Sew around the edge of the mask twice.
It is so easy to make this. As a special touch, please feel free to include a special message to bless our individuals as they step into the front line to serve the community.
Completed masks can be dropped off at the So Sew Many blue boxes around Tompkins County listed below:
Angelo Dry Cleaners and Laundry at 315 Meadow St., Ithaca
Alternatives Federal Credit Union at 125 North Fulton St., Ithaca
Cayuga Heights Village Hall at 836 Hanshaw Rd., Cayuga Heights
Dryden Town Hall at 93 East Main St., Dryden
Eddydale Farm Stand at 827 Elmira Rd., Ithaca
Homespun at 51 East Main St., Trumansburg
Lansing Town Hall at 29 Auburn Rd., Lansing
Littlestone Upholstery at 210 West State St., Ithaca
Tompkins Community Action (patio in back) at 701 Spencer Rd., Ithaca
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce at 904 East Shore Dr., Ithaca
An awareness campaign encourages low-income New Yorkers to claim their Economic Impact Payments under the CARES Act.
New York State has confirmed 7,090 additional cases of novel coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 236,732 confirmed cases in NY.
Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order allowing New Yorkers to obtain a marriage license remotely and allowing clerks to perform ceremonies via video conference, a practice that is banned under current law. Many marriage bureaus have temporarily closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, preventing New Yorkers from getting a marriage license during the current health emergency; the Executive Order will temporarily suspend a provision of law that requires in-person visits.
Alignment of State Policies for Marinas and Boatyards : New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont today announced marinas, boatyards and marine manufacturers will be allowed to open for personal use as long as strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed. Chartered watercraft services or rentals will not be allowed, and restaurant activity at these sites must be limited to take-out or delivery only, like anywhere else in the three states. This announcement aligns the policies of the three states on this particular service. Read the full announcement HERE.
“Stimulus Check: What “Payment Status Not Available” Really Means: Here’s what you need to know and what to do about it.”