Friday, May 15
If you have an immediate need, call (607) 288-3252
As always, community members looking for more information on local health resources and resources related to COVID-19 can contact 2-1-1 by calling 1-877-211-8667 or visiting
Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Page
Mutual Aid Tompkins Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Immediate Needs Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Food Systems Facebook Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins: Parent Support Group
Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Form
Mutual Aid Tompkins Community Resource Folder
We are neighbors concerned about our communities and helping to make sure those most vulnerable and affected by COVID-19 get the support they need. We are volunteer run, with no paid staff, and our aid comes directly from the community. We have created a PayPal & Venmo account and the money donated is going directly to people who have made requests through our immediate needs page. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through our fundraiser that is in partnership with Tompkins County Worker's Center, You can also make donations through PayPal here and our Venmo here. Thank you!
Latest Data from Tompkins County Health Department
Total Tested: 6,316
Pending Results: 1,128
Positive Test Results: 139
Recovered: 116
Currently Hospitalized: 1
Tompkins County Health Department Info and Resources
Charted data for Tompkins, Cortland, Broome, and Onondaga County HERE
A Brief Summary of the Three Types of COVID-19 Testing HERE
Cayuga Health Sampling Site
To pre-register, call Cayuga Health Call Center at 607-319-5708, or
Need a ride to the Sampling Site? After you register, call 2-1-1 to schedule a safe, free ride with ASAP Cab Company. 2-1-1 is open from 8:30am–5pm to schedule rides to and from the Sampling Site.
Virtual Panel by Panel Graphic Novel Book Club
Adults are invited to celebrate their love of this diverse and subversive medium. During this virtual meeting, bring your favorite graphic novel and we will discuss what makes them so great, as well as what we are reading now or hope to read soon. This book discussion will be offered via Zoom. Register through the online calendar at and registered participants will receive an email with details on how to access the workshop.
Online : CLICK here to register for this event
Date : May 18, 2020
Time : 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Ithaca Free Food Resources HERE.
Neighborhood Open Food Pantries: Please take and/or donate food and supplies. Find one near you.
Food Pantry Calendar: Foodbank of the Southern Tier
Donate your bottles and cans to support local organizations and charities: See a discussion with places to donate here.
Quarantine Space : Mutual Aid Tompkins is trying to coordinate with home/apartment owners to create quarantine space for people coming (back) to Ithaca or traveling to Ithaca from other places. If you need any assistance with self-quarantine place, please contact or our point person, Becky Sibner
HIICAP is Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program - counselors are willing and able to offer their services either by phone or Zoom. Just call Lifelong at 273-1511 and leave a message for Liza Burger. Messages will be forwarded to her regularly, though not daily so we thank you for your patience.
Spring 2020 LGBTQ Resources: find support virtually, through hotlines and live chat, and more.
Multi-state Agreement to Reopen Beaches by Memorial Day Weekend
Acting on a commitment to coordinate regional policies in response to COVID-19, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, and Delaware Governor John Carney today announced a multi-state agreement to reopen public and private beaches with certain restrictions in place effective, Friday, May 22. CLICK here to read the full announcement.
CDC issued reopening checklists for schools and businesses including tips on social distancing and disinfecting facilities. Please check out the full guidance here.
House moved on Friday toward passing a $3 trillion pandemic relief package to send aid to struggling state and local governments and another round of direct $1,200 payments to taxpayers. The debate on approving the bill is still ongoing. CLICK here to read the full report by Emily Cochrane on New York Times.